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New blog each week to help parents teach their kids about money.

5 min read
The River Race: Investing Tips For Kids
Teach your kids about investing with a fun story! Learn valuable investing tips for kids and help them start their financial journey early.

8 min read
5 Lessons About Money From Monopoly
Here are 5 lessons about money from Monopoly. These lessons can help you win the game and help your kids grow up to be financially healthy.

4 min read
Earning Money 101: Different sources of Income
Teach your kids the power of earning money through various sources - job/career, side-hustles, and passive income. Find out more on our blog

4 min read
Money Tracker For Kids
Help your kids manage their money with this free Money Tracker for Kids. They soon know how much they have, how much the saved and spent

5 min read
5 Amazing Investing Quotes To Share With Your Kids
Help your kids learn about investing by sharing these 5 amazing investing quotes with them.

8 min read
Explaining the 2008 Financial Crisis to kids
This blog sets out how I explained the 2008 financial crisis in simple terms to my kids. A useful for summary for kids and adults alike.

4 min read
Giving your kids an unfair advantage
Teaching your kids that money can grow and how to make it grow will give them a massive unfair advantage in life.

6 min read
How Luck, Risk and Money Combine!
Here's a story about how to 'get lucky' with money, you need to take some risk. The key is to make sure you take the right risks.

5 min read
The Misunderstandings (A story about investing)
With inflation at high levels, teaching kids how to invest their money is one of the best ways to look after their money.

5 min read
2 Reasons I’m happy the stock market has fallen
Since the start of the year, the stock market has fallen. I'm happy about this for two reasons which I explain in this blog.

5 min read
Explaining Dividend Investing To Kids
Teaching kids about the magic of dividend investing can get them excited about starting to save and invest their money now.

9 min read
How to teach your kids about BONDS
This blog helps you teach your kids all about investing in bonds - the second largest investment market in the world.

7 min read
3 Steps To Investing Your Money: Investing in Index-Funds Guide
Here is a 3 step guide to investing in index-funds so you can start investing for yourself and your kids.

6 min read
6 ways to see the risk of investing differently
This blog set out 6 ways to see investment risk differently so you can gain confidence to invest for yourself and your kids.

5 min read
How to teach your kids about: The Stock Market - Part 2
This blog focuses on answering the question: How do you pick which companies to invest in?

6 min read
How to teach your kids about: The Greater Fool Theory
The Greater Fool Theory is when people buy things with the hope of selling it to a greater fool in the future. Is the greatest fool you?

5 min read
When is the biggest risk, not taking a risk?
As we try to protect our kids, we risk them not being able to assess risks for themselves. This could mean they risk missing opportunities.

5 min read
Investing for a better world
It is great to see so many people and organisations focusing on finding ways to reduce climate change. I particularly love that schools...

7 min read
How to teach your kids about: The best way to invest
Sometimes the simplest ways are the best ways. Here's a story to highlight this case when it comes to investing in the stock market.

7 min read
How to teach your kids about: Saving money to make money
Teach your kids that one of the best uses of money is to make the money grow by saving or investing it.
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